Motivation Program
A consistently high quality maintenance program requires motivated production personnel in addition to qualified professional management personnel and extensive operational quality controls.
Continental Building Maintenance Company production personnel have reason to value their jobs and are motivated by the following employee benefit programs.
- Potential promotion and growth in the company.
- Employee safety training programs, including safety suggestion awards, safety slogan contests and awards, safety performance awards that include monetary prizes, and personal recognition certificates.
- Continental Building Maintenance Company heritage and reputation.
- Employment security.
- The opportunity to participate in maintenance training classes, which include videotape-training sessions.
- Professionally trained supervision.
- Employee suggestions and motivation awards.*
- Permanent, full-time positions.
- Health & welfare benefit programs and pension programs.
- Vacation and holiday benefits.
- Employee service awards.
* The Continental Building Maintenance Company Honor Roll recognizes employees for outstanding performance, including safety, honesty, and operational suggestions. Recognition includes a certificate and either sport tickets, a cash award, or both. We normally recognize two to three employees per month.